CAR2012 - Regulation 10 - Information, instruction and training


Asbestos Management

HSE Strategy - Support the pledge

Welcome. has been set-up by REG 10 Limited as a guide to try to aid The Duty Holders with the introduction of HSG264 in May 2010 and the implications of the new "Guide" on you "The Duty Holder". We have found that the information needed to comply can be difficult to find, so we have tried to put relevant information on one site. Please note that REG 10 Limited gives no guarantees and cannot be held responsible for any misinterpretation. This site is used as a guide only.

Relevant Points of HSG264

Before you download the "pdf" from HSE Website there are some relevant points to note. Box numbers are direct correlation to the guidance.
Information from HSG264.

Box 1:
The purpose of an asbestos survey.

All dutyholders should be Asbestos Aware by now, but as this is new guidance you will need to make sure it is covered by your next course.The guidance highlights what is required.

Box 3:
What the client/dutyholder should do to check the competency of the surveyor.

This information will come from the surveying company. Typically the qualification is BOHS P402, but there are others. Experience is also important.A UKAS requirement is that the survey should have a training record which will show if they are authorised and on what types of buildings.

Box 4:
Areas to be inspected as part of a management survey.

All dutyholders should be Asbestos Aware by now, but as this is new guidance you will need to make sure it is covered by your next course.The guidance highlights what is required.

Box 6:
Information the client/dutyholder should expect from the surveyor.

All dutyholders should be Asbestos Aware by now, but as this is new guidance you will need to make sure it is covered by your next course.The guidance highlights what is required.

Box 9:
Information required for a management survey.

All dutyholders should be Asbestos Aware by now, but as this is new guidance you will need to make sure it is covered by your next course.The guidance highlights what is required.

Box 10:
Information required for a refurbishment or demolition survey.

All dutyholders should be Asbestos Aware by now, but as this is new guidance you will need to make sure it is covered by your next course.The guidance highlights what is required.

Box 11:
What the client/dutyholder should do to check the accuracy of the survey report.

All dutyholders should be Asbestos Aware by now, but as this is new guidance you will need to make sure it is covered by your next course.The guidance highlights what is required.

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